Discord Servers About Among us indonesia

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Among us indonesia category

Safehouse®  discord server


Let us invite you to the freshest Asian creative community & entertainment media on discord which has 30K+ members on board.

This is the place where you can meet with some of the coolest people on Discord. Make friends with anyone from different kinds of background and explore various type of interests. Whenever you feel like you are at your lowest, remember that we will always welcome you with open arms regardless of race or age.

Our features:
1. English, Bahasa, and Mala

Among Us Indonesia (AUI)  discord server

Among Us Indonesia (AUI)

Server Among US (Indonesia) Pertama dengan fitur Terbanyak, kalian disini bebas request, jika ada yg kurang tinggal request aja, kami tidak ingin membuat banyak aturan ini itu, salah satu fiturnya:
- Bermain sambil mendengar music bot.
- Voice Channel dengan pengaturan khusus 「16 Kbps」,「32 Kbps」, dst.
- Fitur Leveling, Reputasi/Karma, dll.
- Our Of Topic, agar tidak ada kejenuhan, kalian bisa memainkan game lain dengan party anggota dari server kami, seru kan!? XD
- dan masih