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Discordfy BOT

Let us invite you to the freshest Asian creative community & entertainment media on discord which has 30K+ members on board.

This is the place where you can meet with some of the coolest people on Discord. Make friends with anyone from different kinds of background and explore various type of interests. Whenever you feel like you are at your lowest, remember that we will always welcome you with open arms regardless of race or age.

Our features:
1. English, Bahasa, and Malay speaking server.
2. Verified-selfie channels
3. Exclusive music bot without prefix.
4. Exclusive custom game room.

5. Live Podcast, Radio & Events:
- Don't Hate Monday 20.00 GMT+7 (Live Music Performance)
- HYPE Radio: Wednesday 19.30 GMT+7 (Online Radio)
- Rasuk Jiwa: Thursday 21:00 GMT+7 (Thriller Podcast)
- Saturday Selects 21:00 GMT+7 (Music Charts)
- Sunday Hype Talks 20:00 GMT+7 (Influencer Podcast)

5. Portfolio Channels:
- Illustration Design
- Photography
- Videography
- Music Produce
- Writing & Scriptwriting

Ini adalah tempat dimana lo dapat bertemu dengan beberapa orang paling seru di Discord. Bertemanlah dengan siapapun dari berbagai latar belakang, dan jelajahi bermacam jenis hobi dan minat.

Setiap kali lo merasa berada di posisi terendah, ingatlah bahwa kita akan selalu menyambut lo dengan tangan terbuka tanpa memandang ras atau usia. I'll see you around!

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Looking for a place to share your interest with vocaloid? Or maybe you just really like miku? Either way, this is the perfect place for you! This is a miku-centered server, while also focusing on other vocalsynths! If you're interested, please join!! :3

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・low mod
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・music and emotes ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

The Place discord server

The Place

The Place to be! (get it, cause it's The Place? I'll see myself out..)

A safe, welcoming community build to make friends and connections with new people! Everyone is welcome as long as you're 16+

WIth fun bots, an amazing owner (/hj), and lots of channels for everyone's enjoyment, I hope you consider becoming part of this community!

JamWith discord server


Join the #1 music promo and collaboration hub for JamWith, the site being called "LinkedIn for the music industry"!

🎼 Showcase your music or art
⭐ Weekly member features (get discovered)
🧪 Get feedback in weekly VC sessions
🔎 Discover music, community, and exclusive opportunities
📍 Connect and collaborate
🎧 Relax and listen to tunes

👋 We are a team of musicians and builders growing a community around our collaboration platform, JamWith. We are looking for m

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deth n rock pit

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Emerald Flower discord server

Emerald Flower

if you like linux or cyber seucirty come join us and chill or if yall like music too thats fine