Unqiue Discord Servers

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Unqiue category

Genesistaria discord server

The world born from the ashes of a previous civilizations. Earth as we know it was formed from the planets crashing into each other, Theia and Earth, the moon was a byproduct of this.. But what if I told you this was manipulated by a race as old as we could ever know it. The Zenith. The core of their souls, the core of their abilities. Will you be a Zenith, will you be a hybrid born of human blood... Or will you have your powers be from The Phenomenon, an echo of the Zenith.

This server

Avalon Continent  discord server
Avalon Continent

Hello there.

General Kenobi... you're a bold on- Ahem dhshhe sorry. I am but anyways... I honestly have no idea what to say. I am bad at "advertising" stuff but let me tell you some stuff then?

Lil Lore: Long ago, the continent lived in harmony until the fire nat- ahem I mean Dark Lord attacked and havoc chaos in the world. Then the avatar appea- I mean rulers of each species appeared and sealed away the dark lord but that caused the world to fall apart.

The Era change