Discord Servers About Sonic the hedgehog

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Sonic the hedgehog category

🌈 LIVE & LEARN ✧ ✦ ★  discord server

🌈 LIVE & LEARN ✧ ✦ ★

✩ Welcome to the Live and Learn, we're here to offer you a grand Sonic the Hedgehog themed roleplay experience! We intend to provide Sonic roleplayers an environment where they can shape their own Sonic stories, leaving the direction the server takes in the hands of its members!

✩ We plan to build a welcoming and loving community where Sonic fans and roleplayers can come together to make something special! The only limits? Your imagination. The lore provided is that the most recent ev

Sonic Exodus  discord server

Sonic Exodus

**__Welcome, Dear Guest__**
*You’ve arrived to my domain. A mere expanse in a great void I have shaped as best as I could with what power I have. You're a mere speck inside of this void..but do not think your worthless and pathetic. No…your more. Why else why would I invite you here?

Who am I? A mere quiet friend over your shoulder, watching over your every move with great interest. You’ll find about me in due time…

Who are you? A vessel. An empty husk of a being from acros