Discord Servers About Polytheism

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Polytheism category

The Abode of the Anunnaki discord server

The Abode of the Anunnaki

The Abode of the Anunnaki is an Internet community that seeks to create a safe space for Anunnaki pagans and people who have a divine connection with the Anunnaki gods. Here we welcome all traditions within Anunnaki religion, from Sumerian-Mesopotamian reconstructionism, to Sumerian-Mesopotamian revivalism, Anunnakism, Abzunianism, Nammuism, Enkism, Mardukism, Ashurism, Enlilism, Ishtarism, Nergalism, Sumerism, Natib Qadish, Kaldanism, Sumerian-Mesopotamian Neopaganism, Semitic-Canaanite Neopaga