Servidores sobre Mhgu no Discord

Mostrando a página 1 dos Servidores do Discord sobre Mhgu

GU Junkies Discord Server
GU Junkies

The most active MHGU & Level 3 Server in 2024.
My name is kH, and I stream and play MHGU every day with a solid team of veteran and highly skilled players, such as EXViper [Normal Up] & Gemini [Tea], piibozu [peeboz] and Demjin.

Our server is inarguably the most active one dedicated just for MHGU.
We are also full of HR999 players; Striving Speedrunners, Active MHGU Twitch Streamers and overall cohesive and helpful players from all around the world w

Monstie Friends Discord Server
Monstie Friends

Welcome to Monstie Friends!

We're a small, tight knight community of Monster Hunter players. All platforms and all Monster Hunter games are supported. Come to chat and join us on hunts. We are a SFW community but require someone to be 18+ to join. Light moderation, we are not toxic but prefer to joke around and have some fun.

Skyward Flight Discord Server
Skyward Flight

Skyward Flight

A new discord with a small group of friends. Looking to expand our community and find new players.
Mostly a Rise Sunbreak and MHGU group so far and we usually play on Switch & PC.
We also have a small but loyal subgroup of Stardew Valley players and options for multiplayer games other than Monster Hunter.
I myself have just started to play through World & Rise on PS4 and are keen to play with more PlayStation hunters
If you want to meet a new group, forge last

Jäger Lager Discord Server
Jäger Lager

Herzlich wilkommen bei Jäger Lager! ^.^
In diesem Server dreht sich alles um das Monster Hunter Franchise. Hier helfen und spielen Grünschnäbel und Veteranen miteinander.

Was unser Server zu bieten hat:

 Über 500 Jäger (Von Grünschnäbeln bis hin zu Veteranen)
 Kanäle für alle Monster Hunter Teile
 Textkanäle zum gegenseitigen Helfen, für die Spielersuche, themenbezogene Kanäle und einen regen off-topic Chat.
 Boost Level 1 (Lustige E