Servidores sobre Mge no Discord

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Молитва на ніч🙏🏻

Боже, бомби Бєлгород. Бомби Пітєр, Єйск і Москву, бо то є грішники, що пішли проти волі Твоєї, як пішли Содом та Гомора.
Бомби Єкатєрінбург, Самару і Ростов, аби кара Твоя не оминула жодного росіянина.

Хай спопеляться міста російські, хай бавовна пречиста завітає у кожен російський дім.

Як на небі, так і на землі, нехай горить армія бруднодупих, і вогонь від пожеж хай освітлять шлях мій.


World of Lunaris [MGE Inspired ERP] Discord Server
World of Lunaris [MGE Inspired ERP]

──Welcome Wanderer to Lunaris!──

In the World of Lunaris it is a high-fantasy setting with distinct countries with their own style of fantasy. Ranging from Steampunk to magics and elves. There are two dominant species: Humans and Mamano (Monsters). Mamano are primarily females but there are males, and the females are predominantly stronger than humans. Mamano actively seek out men to be their next mate and husband. So be careful you may either do the huntin

Simgeceli Discord Server

☆~ Server to get gamers, weebs, artists in one server ☆~
☆~ About Us ☆~
▪︎ We're a community playing valorant and league of legends as well as some other games too, we love socialising, sharing art, sharing daily IRL photos and memes.
▪︎ I am also a Twitch Streamer as well as Content Creator for an E-sports team FNATIC. If you ever need to find a new twitch streamer, you can hop into the server for live announcements.
▪︎Languages availble to talk on server is English and Turkish.