Discord Servers About Fanfiction

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Fanfiction category

Emerald Library  discord server

Emerald Library

The Emerald Library is a fanfiction and original writing community with hundreds of authors from dozens of fandoms with an emphasis on community choice and smaller mini-communities. The discord is for writers, beta readers, editors, and anyone with the common interest of creative writing.

As an author you can:
- Have your own channel where you make the rules, for you and your readers
- Find editors, beta readers, and artists willing to help you with your work
- Create polls

Mages of Pages: Rebirth  discord server

Mages of Pages: Rebirth

Greetings, future mages! We are the recreated version of the original Mages of Pages, so if you were in that server, please feel free to come on back! If you’re new, it’s great to have you!


We are an inclusive writing server for authors of all kinds, from original works to fanfics! Respect is a must, and we love to curate and cultivate creativity in our members!

Here’s some of what we offer!

-beta reads for original stories and fanfics

Ḋëẗṛöïẗ:Ẅëḷċöṁë Ḧöṁë  discord server

Ḋëẗṛöïẗ:Ẅëḷċöṁë Ḧöṁë

Ḧëḷḷö, ṁÿ ṅäṁë ïṡ Ċöṅṅöṛ. Ї'ṁ ẗḧë äṅḋṛöïḋ ṡëṅẗ ḅÿ Ċÿḅëṛḷïḟë.

This is a cozy server that welcomes everyone, in all shapes, sizes, colors, and species! Android? Welcome! Human? Sure! Something else? Come on in!

We love to talk about DBH and have a RP section with Tupperbox for the funsies, and unique emojis and stickers!

If you want a place that feels like family and home away from home, with a love for DBH, this is your place! <3

( We are still building the server