Discord Servers About Eune

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Eune category

RiftQ - League of Legends EUNE  discord server

RiftQ - League of Legends EUNE

We are a Legends of Legends EUNE Discord server Community with more than 50.000 Members.
The server provides a wide variety of players to play with. Normal games & Ranked from Iron to Challenger and even Professional Players!

Here's what the server offers:
-Growing Community with more than 50,000 members!
-coaching channel featuring high elo veteran players who are helping less experienced members to perform better and of course you can exchange your experience with othe

Kumo〔rp〕  discord server


- Salutations jeunes voyageurs, es-tu à la recherche d'un serveur rp fantasy, regroupant differentes races, tel que les humains, les elfes et les orcs ?
Alors tu es au bon endroit ! -

Laisse moi te présenter Kumo ⁅ ⁆ ! C'est donc un serveur de roleplay basé sur un context complètement original et dans un thème de fantasy !
Vous pouvez choisir comme race :


Nous avons aussi créer troi

Sul Brasileiro  discord server

Sul Brasileiro

Um servidor que reúne os sulistas do Brasil em apenas um lugar. Queremos conhecer-vos e conhecer as vossas ideias, vinde compartilhá-las!