Discord Servers About Democrat

Showing a list of Discord servers in the Democrat category

Politics USA  discord server

Politics USA

Politics USA! Here, you can freely talk to people with different political beliefs in a safe and welcoming environment!

Camp Jupiter  discord server

Camp Jupiter

Camp Jupiter has existed for thousands of years and faced various difficulties and struggles but has always come out of it victorious. Until, a few years ago 3 praetors gained power and overthrew the democratic voting system, making themselves the reigning forces.
Their reign began peacefully as they tried to make the power change as smooth as possible but soon it became clear what their real intentions were, which were their own gain of power and wealth. They reigned in tyranny for over

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Newer Androlia  discord server

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Newer Androlia

The DSRNA is a server based on the PSSOPC (pseudo-socialist share of privates channels) system, which works this way:
-Each citizen has it's own channel were it has (almost) total control of it and the members in it.
-The 5 rules of the server apply to everyone and in every channel.
-Common areas exist but the main action is expected to happen at a private level.
-Citizens can create their own small communities in servers, and they can ask governors to have special roles or even