Here you can find other Scene/Scenecore, Electronic musicians! Come collab, and sharpen your musical skills! I hope you have a computer and a microphone! Rawr xD
Here you can find other Scene/Scenecore, Electronic musicians! Come collab, and sharpen your musical skills! I hope you have a computer and a microphone! Rawr xD
This is the place to sing and rap and show off all your talents in our server. We're making a Whole-some community of cool people to share their talents. Join us to create this community and hold Karaoke competitions and explore everyone's talents ! ! !Brand new server.
Server for artists who are Christians (not just people who make Christian music!) to share their music and grow alongside one another!
NFTverse | Find New Projects • Art • Advertise • Collabs • News
Imagine a place where you can find new NFTs project, creators, collabs & much more!
NFTverse is a place where you can find everything about NFTs!
• If you are an owner of an NFT discord server, get a free channel to advertise your project! 🚀
• Are you an artist and looking for someone to hire you? Come join and find people here who are looking for commissions! 🎨
• Searching for collaboration? Find Ne
The largest NFT community on Discord! NFTs World is an awesome community for everyone to discuss about NFTs & get information of new NFT projects. A place where you can find everything about NFTs! Looking to grow your project? We also offer professional NFT marketing services! Join to know more!