SOUL [Genesis] Discord Server

SOUL [Genesis]

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Nostalgic childhood, tenuous teens and a painfully aware adulthood. You've been living life as many others do. Amidst growing city (in modern day) Lockwood you stake claim to accrue whatever it is you desire. Money, fame, power and intangible happiness all in your grasp. Or at least that's the pitch. The truth is this world is painfully unfair. Out of the countless husks wandering the streets though you will be chosen. Yes you stranger will be the genesis for something wholly new. So to this end I ask you. Look inwards and tell me...what do you know of the soul?
This rp relies on active characters who take action to progress the plot. With the abrupt introduction of a new power system to the world which few in humanity are gifted access to. I need people who actually seek rp and are ready to steer the course of the story.||

||I ask for people mature enough to look past themselves. Instead of trying to force yourself as this unbeatable _HIM_ figure create an oc that can actively contribute to the story. Think of the wider narrative and other characters. Don't rp selfishly but instead for the group. Actively pursue interacting with others.

When it comes to the eventual introduction of individual powers I'm straight up denying blatant rip offs. Especially from JJK. I've seen a white haired 'totally not limitless' user too many times.

CRP is a huge part of the story. Conflict is really fun after all, but only with the right buildup. Find proper motivation and necessity for your character to duke it out. I promise it'll only serve to make it more fun.