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House of the Black Star

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“Every man and every woman is a star.”
― Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law

The House of the Black Star is a meeting place for those who find wisdom in the dark divine; in the path of apotheosis; in the Great Work; in the Promethean flame.

Contrary to many other occult servers, this is not a place for learning but a place for those who teach themselves. The colleagues.

In other words, the House is not for beginners.

Your years of practice mean still less here than your attitude – if you too are dedicated to your craft and have a burning hunger for knowledge, be welcome.

Infinitum is an independent adherent of the Left-Hand Path with more than twenty years of experience. Their main academic interests are ancient history and Finno-Ugric folk practices. Known for a practical, data-driven approach to magic, they balance between multiple perspectives, including those of the sceptic and the mystic. All those views converge in a simple truth: true mastery begins from within.

☆ 18+ ONLY
We are primarily a community of advanced practitioners who aren't afraid of transgressive, dangerous, or challenging practices. Entrants are expected to be mature and experienced enough to know how to handle themselves in discussions about these topics.

Anyone looking to enter the House must pass an interview that measures their suitability for the community. This process may take some time, so prepare to be patient.