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WHAT! You're a gamer and not on this server?
Join now to meet people with similar interests in a fun environment.
We have several categories for all your Anime, VRChat and Gaming needs, with our active community on Discord and VRChat!
All walks of life are welcome, Furry, LGBTQ, Anyone lost looking for friends <3
Come say hi ^^

‣ Bi-weekly VRChat community events with games, DJ's, and a whole lotta fun late into the night!

‣ Active VRChat community!

‣ Regular bi-weekly game giveaways!

‣ Extra giveaways for server supporters!!

‣ Stream Promo Channels

‣ 16+ members only

‣ Active community

‣ Level 3 Server

‣ Art channels

‣ Temp VC's

‣ Personal color and description self chose roles with hidden channels and lots more to discover

Note: Due to mass scamming we do not accept accounts younger then 14 days, you will be auto banned! If your account also seems like a scam we might ban you. Apologies in advance.