Resident Evil Roleplay Discordサーバー

Resident Evil Roleplay に関するディスコードサーバーのページ 1 を表示中

Mercenaries Mode Discord Server
Mercenaries Mode

Stuck in a city built up out of the memories of places that don't exist anymore, characters find themselves thrust into a world where they're forced to interact with faces familiar and unfamiliar, pushed into doing missions by some unclear force. In a setting populated by shadowy figures, the only real people present are those who all have some form of connection to bioterrorism, in either fighting it, being effected by it, or even in causing it. The only question

mm multifandom rp 😋 Discord Server
mm multifandom rp 😋

Multifandom Roleplay!!
All of the fandomz we have at the moment -

Read Dead Redemption
Resident Evil
Detroit Become Human
Mortal Kombat
Breaking Bad

You have to be at least 13 to join! Rulez are in the server itself ❤️