In the secluded town of Westview, your favorite Marvel characters live their day to day lives. Within the time period of the 1950s, this quaint and idyllic town has so much to offer! Interact with your fellow super abled neighbors and live the perfect day to day life…
"Hello? Can you hear me? You need to wake up. Wake. Up."
Yet not everything is as it seems. As a few of the heroes begin to notice something is askew in Westview, it’s up to them to get to the bottom of the mystery. While they don’t remember much, what they do recall is the call for action. Will you join them in breaking free from Westview? Or will you protect your peaceful existence within the town’s confines? The choice is yours…
"If you can hear this, take it as the only warning we can send. Don’t trust anyone in that town, not even yourself."
Important Information
- A Marvel Roleplay Server with a fun twist!
- 16+ Members Only!
- Literate Standards!
- Brand new, many characters available!
What are you waiting for? Join us!