Artists For Artists(AFA) is a server based around, well, artist support. You don't have to be an artist to join, either! As long as you follow our rules you're free to join and interact as a community with the other members!
Things we have:
-A bunch of different art channels for a variety of different kinds of art and mediums!
-A work-in-progress category dedicated to gamers where they can promote, chat, stream, and others can interact as well!
-Specific NSFW and Horror channels
-A category full of channels for other languages where native speakers and people who are learning and/or fluid can chat in their own languages if they wish to do so! (though people can use any language they'd like anywhere in the server)
-A shopping corner where people can promote, sell, buy, or even just browse art of any kind!
Things we sometimes do(I.E. events):
-Original Species Events(anyone with an original species can host one as long as you speak with an admin about it for permission and such first)
-Art challenges
-Writing prompts
So, if this seems like the kind of server you're interested in, don't be afraid to pop in!