Fazbear’s Phantasm Discord Server

Fazbear’s Phantasm

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3m ago

A voice speaks from the void.

“You don’t deserve to be up with the angels. None of you do.”

The sky is red, and the ground is patchwork. No matter which way you walk, you always end up at the same place. A series of colorful pizzeria buildings, along with all resources needed for human survival, all unnaturally placed into the same area. As you reach it, a voice reaches your ears.

“Welcome to Fazbear’s Phantasm. May He have mercy on your soul.”


You have been manifested in this very universe for one reason—a chance at redemption. Your sins are the only reason why you have been brought here, but this timeline offers you a chance. A second chance. While it offers it to you, you are not the only one here.

There are many of you walking the grounds, similar yet different. Variants of you. Yet, all of you come from different worlds.

Some of you have been created solely by this universe for other reasons—to serve as a “test” for the sinful. Plenty of you are truly innocent, but your very existence is meant to serve as a challenge for those seeking redemption. Use this information in any way you please.


You cannot truly die here, no matter how much of your blood spills, but be careful. You will lose yourself the more you perish here.

Your only choices are to survive or thrive. Many here do not want redemption, so be careful.