~~{death racers}~~ Discord Server

~~{death racers}~~

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During the rising climate crises of 2025 there was one man in New York who set out to fix this and that man was named Howard Yorkshire who in 2032 successfully managed to create the alternative fuel source which would late be named E fuel.

Thanks to this wonderful creation which not only was better for the environment but also more powerful than the normal fossil fuels that had been uses in the world so now with this started the second biggest revolution in the world, the so called "the technical revolution" as with this research in technological advances sky rocketed. New York got renamed to Yorkshire city or YC as its called became the capital of technological development but people used for a lot more as it gave more power in cars as with the famous E fuel and cybernetic engines racing became more popular than ever.

With this in 2038 it started the famous world racing league, WRL which led to specialised made tracks and racing arenas being built all over America. Of course with this it also became much more popular with illegal street racing as people wanted to both try driving to prove themselves but also with no rules. The racing was mostly fine as people didn't care until the 2042 gang rising as with illegal racing many illegal gangs started forming before it turned into all out gang war on the streets and tracks but thankfully 1 team of racers saw all of it and decided to put a stop to it and so the infamous **death race** was founded in 2043.

The death race was a race without any rules for mortality and was used as a compromise for the chaos on the streets offering a way to solve it on the track instead. Many enjoyed the idea as with no rules whatsoever so it calmed down the streets but the death race became more popular than expected as its now a world famous spectacular.

Now in 2053 we are celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the death race where you are welcome to drive for glory or die trying