Welcome to Celeste! A cozy gaming server for all ages.
We play a variety of games and hang out in vc a lot! Join us for some relaxed gaming vibes and connect with fellow gamers! :3
Entre las maravillas de este mundo surge la Montaña Celeste, un lugar mítico entre los viajeros. Aunque aclamada su hermosura y magia solo un puñado de hombres y mujeres curiosos e intrépidos se han decidido tomar el camino hacia la cumbre, ¿Acaso alcanzar el triunfo de la cima les revelara la culminación de sus sueños y esperanzas? Pues si tu que me oyes quieres compartir junto a nosotros la gloria del ascenso... No dudes en que seras bienvenido!!
En este
hello!! This is the Artic Room! We mostly have celeste and geometry dash stuff here! We also have channels for new indie animation and we have some games and stuff! You can advertise your twitch here too! I hope you enjoy your stay in this server!
Welcome to Comfort Couch!
✧ Strictly 16+
✧ Multi-fandom Community
✧ Mental health and indie video games
✧ Anonymous venting (/confess)
✧ Lenient and active moderation
✧ Weekly active VCs and events
✧ Lots of emotes :D
We are a friendly mental health and indie gaming community with active moderators. We offer venting channels and mental support, and we want this place to be an area where everyone can be themself.
We feature the indie platformer, Celeste.