Deus Ex Machina: The Endless Corpse server icon

Deus Ex Machina: The Endless Corpse

21d 前

Deus Ex Machina: The Endless Corpse is a role-play server where fantasy and science fiction elements are fused. Anything original can find a home here.

Come and join us! Explore the corpse of Deus Ex Machina within the Ocrin region, a place filled with untold lost technology, magical arts, and endless secrets. It filled several nations and factions, all varying for power and to claim the Ocrin Core: each desire, whatever power it might have, and the willingness to fight for each. Join and help one of the factions, claim it for yourself, or perhaps you don't care.

Is a family member outside of the corpse back at home dying from an incurable illness? Deus Ex Machina was considered an actual god with solutions to anything. Venture into the corpse and find the cure, then go back or die trying!

Our primary focus with this server is to tell the characters' stories starting from zero as they explore the endless corpse known as Deus Ex Machina. Slowly gaining skills, knowledge, and experience, having lost their way home or being spent here by their people to scavage the corpse of the Once and Only God.

The world of The Endless Corpse is alive. The factions of the Ocrin region will move, events will occur all around in the corpse, and even the characters you will meet here will return later. They don't forget; they learn and can grow like anyone else. Every action taken here in the corpse leads to something. Perhaps it's a bullet; maybe it's getting currency. The world never forgets it remembers, and it, too, like your characters, will find growth or die trying.

For the corpse is a place where all matters of wonders and miracles rest with an open system that allows people to use any power they may want, within reason, that's based on anything like magic, faith, or technology for types of different things without worry.

You have the choice; just be sure to choose wisely, for the Once and Only God and The Eternal End stand above all.