-{Ultimate Pokemon RP}-

-{Ultimate Pokemon RP}- "Fan made"


•|[{Ultimate Pokemon RP}]|•

Just as the server name suggests, we are a sever full with the capabilities of lots of Pokemon Roleplay! There are many things to do. You may create a trainer and then build them a team to go and fight against Champions! Or start from one small starter and work your way to the top like any pokemon Game. You can roleplay as trainers, pokemon, even legendaries! Most Legendaries will be exclusive to one person, so please be mindful of that. You may rp as a wild pokemon on its own little adventure if you desire.
There's lots to explore! We have many regions to see such as; Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Pladea, and even Hisui! There's also special places you can go to such as; Ultra Space, The Crown Tundra, and Kitikami!

So please, join our server and have fun! Meet new people, pokemon, friends, and enemies.