The Matrix Discord Server

The Matrix

5m 前

Welcome to The Matrix! Created in June 2023, we have over 300 members and an active and fun vibe.

We believe in a fair honest staff team, we have anonymous reporting for member and staff. if you don't mind the staff knowing your identity you can also create a ticket and report.

Don't want people to dm you? want them to ask first? no problem! we have a role system to handle that!

We have movie nights, everyone can add a movie for everyone to vote on!

Here at The Matrix, we are LGBT accepting. We have plenty of things to do such as:

UNO, Play UNO with your friends and/or other server members
Paranoia, Who's most likely to be rich and famous?
Never have i ever, gotten a famous person's signature
Dank Member! Work for money, fight and so much more.
Counting, Who can count the highest?
Would you rather, have a pet deer or a pet moose?
Userphone, Talk to members from other servers
Marriage bot, grow your family tree!
Truth or dare, What was the best phase in your life?
Confessions, Confess your secrets anonymously, who said it?
Birthday Bot, Add your birthday so people never forget!

Color roles, pick the color you want your name to be.
Roles, get your server roles! (Location, age, dm status, relationship status, channel perms for the vent channel, gender, and the gender you are interested in)
Positive stuff, share the positive things happening in your day!
Vent and serious discussion, got something on your mind?
One Word Story, create a story, word by word
Quotes, share your favorite quotes!
Gaming, wanna talk about your favorite games? or perhaps an up and coming game?
Poetry, Show your poetry, or maybe your favorite?
Photography, Show off your pictures!
Artwork, Show off your art!
Pet pics, Share your favorite picture of your pets!
Intros, introduce yourself to everyone!

Anyone can be staff, applications are always open and approved or denied within a 1-3 day time frame.