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Collided Fates || LWA RP

7d 前

After about two years from the end of the anime, the kids at Luna Nova have now become seniors, and are on their final third year. However, that's not the only change! With the magic resurgence, the leyline is even stronger than ever before, allowing for creatures of all types to be able to go between the worlds. New creatures reside on this world we come home, and even go to the magic schools! To fund the school more with people being more interested in magic, or following their magical heritage, Luna Nova had opened up to be unisex and allow for wizards as well!

Even so, Appleton soon followed in the footsteps of Luna Nova. Instead of being a rival through segrigation, Andrew convinced his father to allow magic teachings in Appleton as well as making it unisex. While Appleton doesn't teach as much magic as Luna Nova, they still focus on a lot of government, economical, and state of the art combat training as their specialty. With all of this, now the only rivaling the two schools have is their sports team and some student rivalries.

With the magic training becoming even more advanced, fourth and fifth years being optional have been made in the schools, allowing for kids to go into more advanced classes they where not able to make time for in their normal schedules for their first three years. Meaning that some students may end up in school a little longer if they would like, though that time allows them to become powerful wizards and witches!

However, with the magic flooding the world, its not all sunshine and rainbows. Magic can also be used for evil, and evil had spread through many parts of the leyline due to the potential they have now. Dragons, evil witches, and much more have began to use this magic for their own good. In a world like this, there is many possibilities. Slice of life, or combat, its up to you to see how you treat and train in this magical stage!"