Crystal Lake Academy Discord Server

Crystal Lake Academy


Welcome to Crystal Lake Academy, young student!

We are delighted to inform you that we have accepted your application.

Crystal Lake Academy is a prestgious magic academy where young people from age eleven upwards come from all over the place to learn how to enhance their magical skill and their skills in other areas.

The school will cater to each student to bring them higher, take them to the next level. To excellence. Ambition is important at the Academy.

Fieri potest ut nulla peccata committat et adhuc deficiet. Non est infirmas, id est vita.
It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life.

- The Headteacher at Crystal Lake Academy.

- Plenty of magics to choose from (8 elemental, 3 esoteric),
- Creative Freedom,
- Plenty of Royal and Nobility slots to choose from,
- Plenty of Teacher slots to choose from,
- A detailed template for OCs.