Spectrum Discord Sunucuları

Spectrum ile ilgili Discord Sunucularının 1 sayfasını gösteriyor

Spectrum Society Discord Server
Spectrum Society

Are you autistic?

Do you like talking to other autistic people (13-17 yrs)?

Are you possibly even queer?

Join our server today!
We are full of autistic minors over 13 and we support and are owned by LGBTQIA+ people

We don’t tolerate bigotry.

Join “Spectrum Society”, an aetherpunk themed autism server, today!


Spectrum Discord Server

Buraya kesinlikle sadece bir Discord sunucusu gözüyle bakmıyoruz. Yeri geliyor buradaki insanlarla gülüyor, yeri geliyor üzülüyoruz. Spectrum, açıldığı günden beri birçok dostluğa ev sahipliği yaptı ve hâlâ yapmaya devam ediyor. Eğer siz de beraber sohbet edebileceğiniz, oyunlar oynayabileceğiniz veya dizi film izleyebileceğiniz bir topluluk arıyorsanız burası tam size göre!

🔰 ・ Spectrum Yönetimi olarak, üye sayımızdan ziyade topluluğumuzun kalitesini önemsiyoruz ve bu nedenle kayıt sürec

The Spectrum Club  Discord Server
The Spectrum Club

Are you on the autism spectrum and looking for others to connect with, who share your concerns, habits, and sense of humor? The Spectrum Club is open to anyone who has or is in the process of questioning if they have autism. We offer the chance to share information and tips, a community of people across Discord and VRChat to spend time with, and the chance to exist as you are.

A Spectrum United Discord Server
A Spectrum United

Friendship, Hobbies & Diversity!

Explore a thriving neurodiverse community focused on peer-to-peer support, special interest deep dives, & a range of unique events.

Advocating for awareness, acceptance & amplifying Autistic voices.
We are an LGBTQ+ loving, family educating, self-diagnosis accepting group.

Come out of isolation & into A Spectrum United.

Spunky Spectrum 18+ Discord Server
Spunky Spectrum 18+

∞ An established and small 100% SFW ASD server for the community! ∞

~'~'~We are 18+ to keep things as drama free and mature as possible.~'~'~

There are channels for:
➸➸➸ 💫General chatting and VC
➸➸➸ 💫Specific channels for those on the spectrum, supporters/loved ones of those in the neurodivergent community, DID systems, ADHD, and more!
➸➸➸ 💫Special interests and hobbies

➸➸➸ 💫We have a new option in the server called "accountabil-a-buddy! This is a unique way to