Legends Arceus Discord Sunucuları

Legends Arceus ile ilgili Discord Sunucularının 1 sayfasını gösteriyor

Pokémon Center Discord Server
Pokémon Center

💝🎮 Pokémon-based mainseries games server! Now rebranded with 50% more originality. 🎮💝
📰 News on Pokémon games
❗ Trading + Battling channels
🎉 Giveaways
🏆 Maaaany members
💨Fans of non-mainseries Pokémon games are of course welcome too!~

Pokémon: Scarlet & Violet Discord Server
Pokémon: Scarlet & Violet

Welcome To r/PokemonBDSP's & r/PokemonLegendsArceus' Official Discord Server! We host regular events, provide you with streamlined trades, giveaways and a fun and safe place to chat with other Pokemon fans.