Fortnite Rp Discord Sunucuları

Fortnite Rp ile ilgili Discord Sunucularının 1 sayfasını gösteriyor

FNRP - Fortnite Chronicles Discord Server
FNRP - Fortnite Chronicles

Welcome to Fortnite Chronicles! We're a text-based roleplay server set in the Fortnite universe, but with a twist of collabs thanks to the ever-growing roster of Fortnite characters! This is a server to either roleplay in, or talk about Fortnite(and other games) in general incase you don't feel like joining in on the RP!

We Offer:
- Plenty of Roleplaying Opportunities

- Active Owner and Staff

- Friendly Community with Opportunities to VC a

`!𝓡𝓔𝓜𝓘𝓧 𝓕𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓞𝓝!` Discord Server

Bored and looking for a fortnite roleplay server? Well we got you covered! Join now to roleplay with your favorite characters!


what we offer

active mods
a lot of characters
fun roleplay and more!