Welcome to the Anunnaki Resistance, the Anunnaki Liberation Front! We welcome everyone, you can criticize the Anunnaki as long as you are respectful. We are a Interfaith server too.
Welcome to the Anunnaki Resistance, the Anunnaki Liberation Front! We welcome everyone, you can criticize the Anunnaki as long as you are respectful. We are a Interfaith server too.
The Anunnaki State of Middle East is an Internet community that seeks to build a mock government around the identity of the Anunnaki State of Middle East. We advocate for a for a Global Anunnaki State based on an Algocratic, Theocratic, Post-Humanist, Communist/Socialist, and Solarpunk interpretation of the Anunnaki Law and Anunnaki System. As well as we advocate for space colonization and rebalacing Earth.
دولة الأنوناكي في الشرق الأوسط هي مجتمع إنترنت يسعى إلى بناء حكومة وهمية حول هوية
The Anunnaki State of Fertile Crescent is a mock-government and micronation Discord server centered on the Anunnaki State of the Middle East, we seek to build a mock-government and a micronation for Mesopotamian pagans and for Mesopotamian mythology enthusiats out of the politics and ideologies of the Anunnaki State, also Anunnakia, Anunnakiya, and Anunnakie. We also seek to build IRL Anunnakist parties all over the region of the Fertile Crescent and over the Middle East in the near future if we
The Anunnaki Temple of Mesopotamia is a Mesopotamian pagan and Anunnaki pagan Discord server that is focused on "bastardized" versions of Mesopotamian religion and seeks to build an pagan space free from Abrahamic influences and of Abrahamid religions. The Anunnaki Temple of Mesopotamian seeks to build a safe space for pagans who follow "bastardized" versions of Mesopotamian paganism like Abzuism, Engurism, Nammuism, Tiamatism, Abzuite Enkism, Anunnaki Abyssalism, and Anunnak
A Server For Anunnaki Starseeds, Anunnaki Gods & Goddesses.
Reverence begets favour, sacrifice prolongs life, and prayer atones for guilt. He who fears the gods is not slighted by [...] He who fears the Anunnaki extends [his days].
— Babylonian Hymn
Welcome to the Anunnaki World Temple, a sacred space dedicated to honoring the Anunnaki gods, as well as the deities of the Ancient Near East and the Middle East as a whole. We are a religious organization focused on creating a pluralistic world temple that celebrates the rich tapestry of ancient divine traditions, while fostering a deep connection with the celestial and terrestrial realms. Our mission is to unite those who revere these ancient gods, spirits, and forces in the pursuit of spiritu
A Server For Anunnaki Starseeds, Anunnaki Gods & Demigods.
Reverence begets favour, sacrifice prolongs life, and prayer atones for guilt. He who fears the gods is not slighted by [...] He who fears the Anunnaki extends [his days].
— Babylonian Hymn
The Void Seeds is a Discord server and Internet community that seeks to build a safe space for Voidic Starseeds, Abyssal starseeds, Voidkins, Abysskins, Voidpunks, Abysspunks and related. We are a Discord server made for Voidics and Abyssals who are basically rejected everywhere and feel like as if everything was technically a hive-mind. We are a server made by Voidics and for Voidics. Everyone is welcome as long as you can respect the Void and the Abyss.
The Universal Temple of Abzu (UToA) is an religious organization centered server based on Abzunianism, more specific based on Universal Abzunianism, that is a form of Abzunianism that has a polypanentheistic and universalist take on Abzunianism. We are also based on Universal Abyssalism, also Universal Polypanentheistic Abyssalism, that is a form of Theistic Abyssalism that has a polypanentheistic and univeralist take on Theistic Abyssalism, We are open minded individuals who like to take a new
The Tree of Abzu - Etz Avzu is a community dedicated to a syncretic form or Kabbalah named Etz Avzu, also Tree of Abzu, that goes deep into the Tree of Death and into the Abyss, syncretizing the Jewish tradition of Kabbalah with the Abyssal theology and philosophy from Abzuism and Nammuism. The Tree of Abzu is open for everyone interested on its syncretic form of Kabbalah. We are interfaith and stand for unity of faith. If you want a Kabbalah community which unites the old traditions with modern
The Universal Temple of Abzu is a religious organization that is focused on Abzunianism and on Theistic Abyssalism. We worship Abzu, Nammu, the Abyss, and other Abyssal gods from several pantheons. We welcome everyone, as long as you can respect Abzunianism and Theistic Abyssalism we can respect you as well.
The Abzunian Temple is a religious organization that follows Abzunianism on its very core. The Abzunian Temple primarily worships Abzu, but it also worships other Abyssal gods like Nammu, Tiamat, and Enki. The mission of The Abzunian Temple, an Abzunian religious organization, is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, support discriminated and oppressed groups, and undertake noble pursuits. The Abzuni
The Path of Abzu is a religious community online that seeks to build a safe space centered on Abzu worship, Nammu worship, Tiamat worship, and Abyss worship. We also follow a form of Abzuism called "Path of Abzu" that is a esoteric and occultist interpretation of Abzuism centered on self-improvement, self-care, contemplation, personal growth, liberation theology, improvement of the world around us, and devotion and veneration to Abzu, Nammu and the Abyss. This server supports divinekin
Temple of Nammu & Tiamat is a new occult centered server based on Mesopotamian mythology & more. We are open minded individuals who like to take a new spiritual approach to old beliefs and explore new thought systems.
What you'll find here:
🌊 ~ Discussions about the primordial origins of the universe & the beginning of time.
📚 ~ Discussions about the ancient history of the world, Atlantis, Lemuria, Kumari Kandam, reincarnation, rebirth, and past lives.
👁️ ~ Balanced
The Universal Temple of Nammu & Tiamat (UToNnT/UToN&T) is a religious organization centered on Goddess Nammu and Goddess Tiamat, we are followers of a branch of Abzunianism that is focused on Nammu/Tiamat, that is known as Nammunianism, Nammuism, and Tiamatism. We are affiliated with the Universal Temple of Abzu (UToA). And we seek to build an Internet space for Nammu worship and Tiamat worship.
What you'll find here:
~ Discussions about the primordial origins of the universe
The Universal Ziggurat of the Kingdom of the Anunnaki (UZKA) is a Sumerian-Mesopotamian pagan Discord server that is focused on both, reconstructionist and revivalist practices regarding Sumerian-Mesopotamian paganism, going from the early Sumerian time to the fall of Babylon. We seek to build a safe space for Sumerian-Mesopotamian pagans free from judgements regarding accusations of "cultural appropriation", "post-colonial appropriation", "new age movement" and so
We are the official Discord server for the Anunnaki Temple of Abzu, an Abzunian organization. The Anunnaki Temple of Abzu follows a polytheistic and panentheistic religion called Abzunianism. We believe in and follow Abzu, as well as the Abzu's wife Nammu, Abzu's son Enki, and the Anunnaki gods as a whole. While this server is centered on the Anunnaki Temple of Abzu, people of all faiths (as well as those with no religion) are welcome here. Regardless of your beliefs and background,
The Abode of the Anunnaki is an Internet community that seeks to create a safe space for Anunnaki pagans and people who have a divine connection with the Anunnaki gods. Here we welcome all traditions within Anunnaki religion, from Sumerian-Mesopotamian reconstructionism, to Sumerian-Mesopotamian revivalism, Anunnakism, Abzunianism, Nammuism, Enkism, Mardukism, Ashurism, Enlilism, Ishtarism, Nergalism, Sumerism, Natib Qadish, Kaldanism, Sumerian-Mesopotamian Neopaganism, Semitic-Canaanite Neopaga