Kaiju's Clone Wars [AU] Discord Server

Kaiju's Clone Wars [AU]

Son oy

Hello there, and welcome to the Clone Wars AU

A thousand years of peace in the galaxy have come to an end as political turmoil has boiled over into outright war. With countless worlds being ravaged and the shroud of the dark side growing ever greater, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. And rests on your shoulders. Yes, yours. All who join this server, thanks to the AU nature of our timeline and world, have the chance to affect or perhaps even completely change the outcome of the largest conflict in the history of the galaxy. Whether you are Jedi fighting for what remains of the fragile peace your forebears protected, one of nearly uncountable clone soldiers standing valiantly as one in the defense of the Republic, a naval officer commanding vast ships or even fleets, or even perhaps a Senator or some other agent who is loyal to the idea and spirit of the Republic at least.

Should a life in service of the Republic not necessarily interest you, you may even make your character more independent-minded, seeing what opportunities arise in this tumultuous time. The server may be generally focused on the Republic, but the galaxy is vast and holds mysteries and adventures in equal number.

From a myriad battlefields where armies and fleets clash, across the opulent halls of political power and the seedy dens of the underworld, to untamed wildernesses and places left forgotten, the galaxy is waiting for you.

Our server provides:

➼ A calm, fun and welcoming server without political or IRL drama

➼ A alternate timeline with expansive opportunities for character creation where alien OCs are encouraged.

➼ A nearly-infinite open world and self-guided RP opportunities, plus story events to take part in.

➼ A literate roleplay experience that is focused on character development rather than battle simulations

➼ Unit creation and recruitment supported