Серверы Discord в категории Islam

Показ страницы 4 серверов Discord по теме Islam

Radiance Of Knowledge ᪣ نور العلم Discord Server
Radiance Of Knowledge ᪣ نور العلم

🌙 Welcome to نور العلم- A Beacon of Knowledge and Harmony! 🤝✨

Embark on a journey within our Islamic haven, where the pursuit of knowledge intertwines with friendship and tranquility. 📚🌿 In this server, we unite under the banner of Islam, fostering a community that thrives on spreading wisdom, compassion, and peace. Our virtual home is a sanctuary for seekers of enlightenment, where discussions transcend boundaries, exploring the vast realms of Islam and beyond.

🌐 Dive into an ocea

The Muslim Frontier Discord Server
The Muslim Frontier

We at TheMuslimFrontier seek to bring Muslims together, and to call each other to goodness and to forbid evil.

In our server we provide:
➼A Muslim Community
➼A library of books and refutations!
➼Interfaith Dialogue
➼ Dawah and orthodox teaching of islam
➼ Gender-Segregated chats
➼Daily hadith and quran
➼Constant Nitro Giveaways!
➼A reporting cell, to actively report islamophobic content across social media.

MENA Lounge Discord Server
MENA Lounge

Welcome to the MENA Lounge! Discord's main and biggest social community for the Middle East and North Africa. This server is made to connect all people of the MENA region across different parts of the world in one space, allowing everyone to meet new people and make friends, game together and share their interests. Feel free to hang out in our server and discuss politics, food, clothes and learn about the culture of the Middle East and North Africa.

We offer:
☆ Daily voice calls
☆ D

The Campaign Discord Server
The Campaign


Dialog der Religionen  Discord Server
Dialog der Religionen

🎉 Willkommen auf unserem Discord-Server! 🎉
» Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft, die sich mit verschiedenen Religionen und Weltanschauungen auseinandersetzt.
🌍 Alle Religionen sind bei uns herzlich willkommen 🌍
» Wir freuen uns auf anregende Diskussionen und den Austausch von Ideen.
» Zudem sind wir auch an politischen Ansichten interessiert und möchten einen sicheren und respektvollen Raum bieten, um darüber zu diskutieren.
» Wir hoffen, dass du dich bei uns wohl fühlst und dich aktiv an

Epic Discord Server

إبيك هو مجتمع إسلامي شبابي يتبع نهج السلف الصالح، حيث نلتزم بالقيم والأخلاق الإسلامية الأصيلة التي تجسدها سيرة الصحابة والتابعين رضوان الله عليهم. في إبيك، نركز على بناء علاقات أخوية قائمة على الاحترام المتبادل، والتعاون، والتفاهم، بعيدًا عن الجدل والتعصب.

ما يميز إبيك:
أخوّة صادقة: نعمل على تعزيز روح الأخوة والمودة بين الأعضاء، حيث نخلق بيئة مريحة تشجع على التفاعل الإيجابي وتبادل التجارب الشخصية والنصائح المفيدة.

احترام متبادل: نحرص على أن تكون النقاشات في إبيك قائمة على الاحتر

دار العلم  Discord Server
دار العلم

سيرفر إسلامي عام. ندرس الفقه و العقيدة. السيرفر عام لكل المسلمين.

- تمنع الأسماء الأجنبية في هذا الخادم
- يمنع التحدث عن الجماعات المسلحة واستخدام صور متعلقة بهم
- تمنع صور النساء المرسومة أو الفوتجرافية

The Masjid | ٱلْمَسْجِدِ Discord Server
The Masjid | ٱلْمَسْجِدِ

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh | ‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎

• Extremely based server community with conservative values derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
• Weak people are not allowed, only the real men and women amongst us will be able to handle our fast paced environment focused on improving oneself on the Deen of Allah.
• Dawah Training for the strong.
• Weekly educational events and debates, you will always be engaged.

Join now,

CTF 2: Last Laugh edition Discord Server
CTF 2: Last Laugh edition

Clowns together Funny 🤡

Based Shitposting 👌
Best Bots & 200 Meme Emotes 👌
Global Emotes (Mixer) 👌
Dank Memer NO Rob/Heist 👌
Free Games/DLC (r/FGF) 👌

Serenity Station Discord Server
Serenity Station

Craving a cool, fun, and social hub on Discord? Dive into Serenity Station! From hearty laughs to deep chats, it's a haven to unwind and be you. Join our vibrant community from all around the world - we're excited to welcome you!

Ahlul Quran Discord Server
Ahlul Quran

Dieser Server dreht sich rund ums Quran rezitieren. Hier lernst du in einer Gemeinschaft, den Quran mit Tajweed Regeln zu rezitieren. Mit regelmäßigen Unterrichte, wie auch tägliche Khatma Sitzungen, ist für alle, unabhängig vom Niveau, was dabei.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!

Chai Khana • چایخانه Discord Server
Chai Khana • چایخانه

Tea house Discord Server 🕌 **owned by afghans**

🌟 Join our vibrant community of Afghan enthusiasts and curious minds!
💬 Engage in diverse discussions about history, culture, and more!
🤝 Make new friends who share your passion for Afghanistan!
🎉 Experience exciting events and activities celebrating Afghan heritage!
🎨 Showcase your creativity and unique talents!
🛡️ Safe space for respectful conversations!

🔗 Join now and let's celebrate Afghanistan together! 🔗

Muslim Soul  Discord Server
Muslim Soul

Assalamu Alaykum,
Welcome to Muslim Soul. We're not that typical server you would find on disboard. We offer a range of activities, such as discussing mainstream topics as well as academical. We also offer games and VCs occasionally. We have a fairly active server at almost all times and we would love to have you here to socialize with us and meet new people. Any topics discussed are purely for the sake of debating, nothing more. We do hope to see you in our server, and we ask you to make sur

Haramain Central Discord Server
Haramain Central

Welcome to Haramain Central! Our community is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive and accessible information related to the Haramain in Saudi Arabia. Join us to stay updated, share experiences, and connect with others passionate about the Holy Cities of Makkah and Madinah.

Ateist Türk  Discord Server
Ateist Türk

"Ateist Türk" adlı resmi Discord sunucusuna hoş geldiniz!

Sunucumuz Nonteist ve Teist bireylere felsefe, din, mitoloji, edebiyat, tarih gibi konularda sansürsüz bilgi paylaşımı ve rasyonel tartışma imkanı sunmayı amaçlar.

Kuruluşundan bu yana Reddit ve Discord platformlarında sunduğu hizmetlerle kullanıcıların gönlünde özel bir yer edinmiştir. Topluluğumuz sadece ateizmi değil, farklı inançlara ve görüşlere sahip insanları da içinde barındırır.

✟  Christliche Apologie Discord Server
✟ Christliche Apologie

Wir sind ein primär katholisch aber dennoch in vielen Aspekten überkonfessionell agierender Server für christliche Apologetik. Auch wenn wir hauptsächlich eine römisch-katholische Weltanschauung vertreten, veröffentlichen wir vor allem allgemein-christliche Apologien.

Unser Ziel ist es primär, christlich-apologetische Artikel zu veröffentlichen und den Mitgliedern dieses Servers zugänglich zu machen. Sekundär dient dieser Server auch einem offenen, überkonfessionellen sowie interreligiöse

Luminary Discord Server

This server is primarily for Muslims and ex Muslims to engage in thoughtful dialogue but other religions are also welcome to join :). We are open minded and look forward to meeting new people through disboard. Also anime enthusiasts are always welcome.

Join as fast as u can

Muslim Athletes & Entrepreneurs | ماعي Discord Server
Muslim Athletes & Entrepreneurs | ماعي

This is the place for Muslim athletes & business owners! Join now to network.
> Discuss business, athletic performance and other topics
> Friendly community
> Free promo

Shiat e Mashriq | شیعۃِ مشرق  Discord Server
Shiat e Mashriq | شیعۃِ مشرق

🌙🕌 **Introducing Shiat E Mashriq: The First Ever Desi Shia Server!** 🕌🌙

Are you ready to embark on a journey that celebrates the rich heritage of the Desi Shia community? Look no further! 🚀

🌟 **What is Shiat E Mashriq?** 🌟

Shiat E Mashriq is not just a server; it's a vibrant online community that brings together Desi Shia individuals from all walks of life. Whether you're a history buff, a spiritual seeker, a food lover, or simply looking to make new friends, we've got a pla

Daʿwat Al-Rāfidīyah  Discord Server
Daʿwat Al-Rāfidīyah

Salam, this is a shia akhbari server built around learning and spreading the knowledge of Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). Kindly respect other members and maintain modesty.

Halal Squad Discord Server
Halal Squad

Welcome to Halal Squad! 🌟 This server is specifically designed for Muslims to engage in discussions and share valuable resources. Feel free to join and invite your fellow Muslim friends.

Şuur Discord Server

Sohbet, ilmi konuşmalar. Din husunda farklı görüşlerin tartışıldığı. Saygı çerçevesi içerisinde bir muhabbet ortamı. Arada goygoy gündem veya tarih hakkında konuşulan Sünni [Akide: Maturidî, Eş'ari] bir server.

Theocord  Discord Server

Welcome to Theocord! Here you will find a welcoming environment for people of all practices (and lack thereof), moderated by an experienced and compassionate mod team.

Our Server includes:
》A wide range of religious/practice roles
》LGBTQ+ safe space channels
》Mental health channels
》Open Resource Library
》Daily scripture posting
》A fair and equal community, in which all members are aware of server changes and decisions
》Scripture bots for easy reference

If you'

ISRASTIN™  Discord Server

ISRASTIN™: Our Last Hope
In a world rife with conflict, ISRASTIN™ emerges as the beacon of hope and unity. This is not just a platform; it’s our final, bold step towards a sustainable peace where two historically divided groups can thrive under one flag, in one state. ISRASTIN™ is dedicated to dismantling barriers and building bridges, encouraging dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. We advocate for a shared existence, forging a society that values the richness of diverse histories and c

Felsefe ve Mantık Discord Server
Felsefe ve Mantık

Türkiye'de mantık ve objektiflik üzere giden din sunucumuza davetlisiniz.

💬 | Bolca Sohbet Edip Eğlene Bileceğin Kanallar.

💂🏻 | Yetkili Alımın Açık Olduğu Bir Sunucu.

🧠 | 𝗙𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲𝗳𝗶 𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗴𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻 𝘃𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗻 𝗸𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀̧𝗺𝗮𝗻ı𝗻 Açık Olduğu Ve Tartışabileceğiniz Bir Sunucu.

💎 | Aktif Olarak Alabileceğiniz Özel VIP Rolü.

🥂 | Elit Bir Ortama Sahip Olan Bir Sunucu.

🔊 | Seste Oyun Oynama Ve Münazara

🎪 | Aralıklı Yaptığımız Çekilişler.

:Felsefe ve Mantık 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘂

Deen Lounge  Discord Server
Deen Lounge

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, liebe Geschwister!

Herzlich willkommen auf unserem Discord-Server: Deen Lounge. Dieser Server dient als Rückzugsort für Muslime, um sich zu treffen, zu spielen, zu plaudern, den Quran zu rezitieren und vieles mehr. Wir legen großen Wert auf eine respektvolle und freundliche Atmosphäre und dulden daher keine Beleidigungen oder unangemessenes Verhalten.

Bitte beachtet das Mindestalter von 18 Jahren.

Was wir bieten:
👥 Eine aktive

Palestine Support Server Discord Server
Palestine Support Server

Palestine Support Server
A server for the children of Gaza, who lose their lives by the minute. A server for the martyrs who give up their blood to defend the holy land. A server for brave pro Palestinians who speak up against injustice

The Palestine Support Server is a community dedicated to promoting a Palestinian perspective and countering misinformation about Palestine and the ongoing conflict. Our mission is to uphold Palestine's honor by debunking myths and providing accurate inf

Nur an-Nisa | نور النساء Discord Server
Nur an-Nisa | نور النساء

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

**Nur an-Nisa!**
Looking for an online sanctuary just for Muslimahs? You’ve found the right place 🤍Welcome to our exclusive **females only** server!

Here at Nur an-Nisa we offer:
📍Daily Qur’an
📍Daily Hadith
📍Daily Dua
📍Daily Reminders
📍Much Much More!!

Connect, share and uplift each other with everything from faith discussions to beauty tips!
Join our vibrant sisterhood to strengthen your imaan (faith) and discover some

Ummah™ Icons Discord Server
Ummah™ Icons

As-Salāmu ʿAlaikum wa-Raḥmatu ʾllāhi wa-Barakātuhu,

Welcome to the #1 Muslim PFP server that provides halal profile pictures for both males and females including warrior pfps, hijab/niqab pfps, quotes, wallpapers, masjid pfps, banners, etc..!

Powered by Ummah™ ✦ الأمة

Society of Seekers Discord Server
Society of Seekers

🎙️ Society of Seekers - The Ultimate Hub for Free Speech & Debate! 🦅

🌟 What We Offer:

- 🗣️ Unrestricted Free Speech: Speak your mind on any topic! No censorship as long as you respect dignity and rules.
- 🔥 Thrilling Debates: Show us your skills and prove your points in spirited debates!
- 📖 Knowledge Exchange: Learn something new every day and share your expertise with a global audience.
- 🌍 Worldwide Community: Connect with like-minded individuals from around the world!<

Refugees Center  Discord Server
Refugees Center

A chill north african muslim server with no serious intentions.
You're welcome whoever you are as long as you're respectful.

Bible vs Quran Asia Livestream  Discord Server
Bible vs Quran Asia Livestream

Welcome to Quran & Bible Asia! Our channel is dedicated to fostering respectful and enlightening interfaith dialogue, focusing on the Quran and the Bible from both Muslim and Christian perspectives, particularly within the Asian context.

Join us for engaging discussions, educational content, and a supportive community aimed at bridging gaps and enriching spiritual knowledge. Subscribe to learn and grow with us!

دار الهدى | Dar Al-Huda  Discord Server
دار الهدى | Dar Al-Huda

Daily Quran, Hadith & reminders. Welcoming community for learning & discussion. Join Dar ul-Huda

Gates of Ilm™  Discord Server
Gates of Ilm™

this serer is for everyone, join for knowledge

what we offer:

1. refutations
2. debunks
3. knowledge about religions
4. giveaways
5. hosting debates

Muslim Talk Café (MTCe)  Discord Server
Muslim Talk Café (MTCe)


✦ Muslim Talk Cafe is a friendly space for Muslims to grow in their faith and connect with others.

✦ Our mods are lenient and no longer will you have to worry about being banned for a little bit of trolling or unpopular opinions.

✦ We would also love to have members of other Faiths in our server to add to crisp discussions and respectful banter.

Join us now! We promise a memorable experience.✨

غرفة الرسم  Discord Server
غرفة الرسم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته,
!!هل أنت رسام وتبحث عن مخدم إسلامي وعربي للرسم؟ إذا لقد وصلت إلى وجهتك
غرفة الرسم هي المكان المناسب للرسم, البعيد عن ضجيج الحياة. حيث تتميز الغرفة بطابعها الإسلامي الهادئ والمعاصر.

:ميزات الغرفة
1- غرف مخصصة لكل من الذكور والإناث.
2- مناسب لجميع الأعمار.
3- المخدم موجه للمسلمين لكن نرحب بغير المسلمين كذلك
4- نرحب بجميع مستويات الرسم.
5- فعاليات واحتفاليات
6- تعليم ونصائح في الرسم
7- تشجيع ونشر الإلهام

!!السيرفر جديد

🌕 Al-Manawr | المناور 🌕  Discord Server
🌕 Al-Manawr | المناور 🌕

𝖂𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖔𝖋 𝕴𝖘𝖑𝖆𝖒 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖍? 💖🚀🌟

𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝔻𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕙 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕣🌖🪐✨

Qur'an recitation class  Discord Server
Qur'an recitation class

In this brand new server, I teach how to recite the Qur'an and the like at a basic level through the voice channel. And I can also just listen to your Qur'an recitation if you're doing hifz. Males only. Do not join to leave. That's pretty much it.

True Disciples of Christ  Discord Server
True Disciples of Christ

Grace and peace be to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in Jesus Name, Amen.

I want to Welcome you to the True Disciples of Christ's Discord Server.

The Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father.

I pray to God to use this server as a point of contact to everyone that joins, to everyone that is not strong in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, to everyone that does not believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, to everyone that