EPIC Journey // Odyssey Myth RP Discord Server

EPIC Journey // Odyssey Myth RP

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The story of our Odyssey stems from the path of the original. Death is instead replaced with trauma, memories that Odysseus failed them. Sorry for the unnamed crew, though, they're all dead. Polites survived the cyclops, instead being trapped and taken from the men. Elpenor never jumped off Circe's roof while drunk, instead he only considered. The men that Odysseus sacrificed in the Thunder Saga lived. Only kidnapped by Scylla and left to drown by Zeus. The suitors were locked away to simmer in rage, and released why they "proved" they had changed, though still not trusted by the kingdom.

After all these events is where our story takes place. The gods as always have gotten involved in more mortal affairs, Ithica each day lays in wait for a civil war that the royals are holding off. Kings from the lands are disagreeing and trying to prove their own worth. And in the middle of this all is you, traveller. Come join the story, fight for what you believe in.

pls join plsplsplspls