Welcome to the role playing city of Jasmine, a Gorean river port city. Due to wars and negotiations, this isn't a regular Gorean place though! Don't worry Jasmine can still offer you the red silks of your dreams. Through wars and marriage a widow of the name of Mistress Anne now sits as ruler of the town. The city also has a treaty with panthers that may trade with city inhabitants, this was a contested truce though and tensions are high. In the city there is a den full of inequity, a bazaar for general trade, and if one vows to the home stone, a residential district. Opening April 2024, please come join us, new to rp, we can help, new to the lore, we can help! We want a safe place for you to write out your novels of drama with others! And because we are new, you can help shape what this server will be! So come on in.
-Mistress Anne, Alice and Master Dameon
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/ncwSJEcEBx