Bugroy's Garden Discord Server

Bugroy's Garden

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Server from Reallyneatbugs on Instagram and Cara!
-> we have a minecraft server!
->advertise your art and commissions!
->make new art friends and play games with them!
->find people to collaborate with in other content creation as well!

There is no tolerance for discriminatory behavior on this server. It is queer own and run and hate speech, slurs, and distasteful language will often end with a ban and no leniency.
--->there is discrepancy in this rule if it is reclaimable by the speaker, however for sake of ease and everyone's comfort, it's preferred to be toned down, if not completely out of this space.

Display names must be readable, and pingable. Odd unicode may make it difficult for screen readers. – names must also be respectful.

Do not spam or flood channels. If you need a space to dump things into a chat direct it to ⁠spam. In this same regard try to keep voice channels relatively tame with sound boards, if it drowns out people talking that's a pretty good sign to stop.

In the ⁠self-promotion channel, that is exclusively for art, services or content. Meaning no discord server links should be sent within this one. If you are found advertising your own server, the message will be deleted and you will be warned.

This server is 16+. If you are under that age and especially lie about it, you will be instantly banned. It’s a safety precaution and keeps the server from interacting with age groups they may not be comfortable with.

Overall, just be respectful, if you joined this server to be a dick because you're bored, just remember you will look at least sort of dumb to everyone else here.