Servidores sobre Opsec no Discord

Mostrando a página 1 dos Servidores do Discord sobre Opsec

H4XSP4NS10N  Discord Server

Us3r:/h4xsp4ns1on$ cat purpose.txt

This server has been created for educational purposes only.
Y0ur j0b 1s to:
-s0lve ctf's with a fr13nd
-sh4re gre4t res0urces
-f0ll0w rules.txt

Cyber Syndicates Discord Server
Cyber Syndicates

Hello and welcome to our server, over here we have real experts with loads and heaps of resources for all the learning you need.
We got a great helpful support team, and we also have reaction roles to personalize yourself. In addition we have up-coming challenges (CTF-Based) so we show we are truly and involved in teaching the "Right" learning Ethical. Also we will provide additional information and training for certifications.Join us and become a part of an already on-going server!
