Servidores sobre No Kos no Discord

Mostrando a página 1 dos Servidores do Discord sobre No Kos

Hunting Grounds PVE Discord Server
Hunting Grounds PVE


■Xbox Sakhal
■32 Slots
■4 Hour Restarts
■Vanilla Spawns
■Hidden Loot Added
■Pristine Loot
■increased Animals
■Decreased Zombies
■Full Vehicles
■Custom Locations
■30 Minute Nights
■Mummy Island
■Social Gathering Spots
■Build Anywhere/Full Stamina
■Discord Shop/Currency
■Auto Ban Bot
■M & K Activated
■IZ Link
■Teleports by Scalespeeder
■Base Alarms (for piece of mind)
■Wildcard Giveaways (d

The Fall Roleplay - NO KOS Discord Server
The Fall Roleplay - NO KOS

Hello fellow Dayz Roleplayer's/PVEr's New Dayz Roleplay starting soon. IF you are bored of PVE adventures try our RP server and create your story. Lots of events, RP scenarios and everything possible as long as you have imagination ;)