Servidores sobre Halo Infinite no Discord

Mostrando a página 1 dos Servidores do Discord sobre Halo Infinite

Halo Divine Discord Server
Halo Divine

It's July 2023 and we are still going strong with Halo!
Halo Divine is a casual, noncompetitive social group that plays all of MCC and Infinite.
We have no requirements and a simple set of server rules.
Play daily, play monthly, play when you can; no problem here!

With over 2000 Halo specific members we have nightly game play.
But don't be scared off. It's still a limited number active in the voice channels so we have plenty of room left for you

Halo HQ Discord Server
Halo HQ

Halo HQ

We represent the halo community as a whole whether youre new or old in the community, a clan member or an average halo fan, a comp player or a chill player, we are here for you.

Our goal is to create a professional chill place for everyone in the halo community to come to. We will be updating the server as we find things to better fit our server members to create a better community. We are a drama free community meant to be neutral grounds for everyone that does anything wi