The Roleplayer's Directory Discord Server

The Roleplayer's Directory

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The Roleplayer's Directory is here to help connect roleplayers and those passionate about roleplay.
Be that for 1v1 or group roleplay.
Play-by-post or Table top style roleplays.
Those who provide supporting content for roleplays.
We are here to connect all types of roleplayers to all types of games.

What we offer:
- All advertisements done in forum format, so advertisers can add to and update their ads.
- Bumping every 2 hours
- Optional 18+ age verification done by two means, Human (admin) Or Automated 18+ verification system with Ageify
- Partnerships in forum format
- Friendly and engaging staff that are all adults
- Perks for those who support the community by being active or Nitro boosts.

Join us today and help us build an awesome Roleplaying community!