G-SIP's Community Server Discord Server

G-SIP's Community Server

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Welcome, G-SIP's server is a server dedicated to G-SIP's ever-growing community!

You may be wondering, who is G-SIP? Well he is a small Content Creator, Game Dev, Rust enjoyer and more! You might not know of his great community so come join us and get to know us! :D

What you can do:
- In the server you can join events like game nights and movie nights!
- You can also join Rust events if you have the game, all you need to do is react with the Rust emoji in the Self-Roles channel.
- Stay updated with the respective roles for G-SIP's socials, like getting notified when a new YouTube video is posted or when G-SIP goes live on Twitch.
- Much more, just explore for yourself and see what interests you!

Our server is very organized and all interests/subjects are separated into there own dedicated roles and categories which makes it easier for new discord users to understand.
More Detail:
- Lots & lots of funny memes, not enough? Then add your own!
- Giveaways (Game Nights, Rust events, etc).
- Self-Promo Channel to promote yourself! (links will be removed if you leave).
- Friendly & active Staff who care about any issues that may arise from rule breakers etc.
- 40+ original Emotes
- SFW server with no toxicity!
Roles In More Detail:
YouTube - Get a ping when I post a new YT video!
Twitch᲼- Get a ping when I go live on Twitch!
Game Updates᲼- Get a ping when there is news about any of my games!
Rust᲼- Get a ping when a Rust event on our server has been planned!
Events᲼- Get a ping when an event has been made/planned etc; (Movie Nights, Game Nights, other events).
- Want to join our Discord staff team, Rust Server Staff Team, or just fill out feedback about our server to help us out? Then fill out the appropriate form for each one respectively!