〔RP〕Decaying Winter : The Northern Sector Discord Server

〔RP〕Decaying Winter : The Northern Sector

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You're being deployed to the Northern sector of Eden-227, which is less dense in hostile units and out of range of the ERU SAMS, which has shot down an agency spacecraft. and a base has already been established in that sector for you to use for your expense. But don't get too cocky, Agent. It's Eden after all. Nowhere is truly safe. But you won't be alone, there's others who will be sent down with you. Except guerilla fighters in the area and avoid going alone, who knows? Your remains might not be recovered ever.

For your objectives, Agent. Your job down there is to establish agency superiority over the sector, eliminate any or all life that you encounter in this sector, it's better off dead than alive. No exceptions, especially because you will also be assisting in the implantation of ICBMs, and our own very own surface to air missiles to counter the ERU. Yes, they also have their very own ICBMs

I wish I can brief you more agent, but disboard character ceiling prevents that.Godspeed and best of luck, Agent -Ulaycola

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Anyways, that's just the introduction. Let's state what this server will be about shall we?

Our server is based off the game “Decaying Winter” by Roblox developer Archemix, and we are by no means like the official DW server, we don't know when decaying world would get released

We are a 13+ server, which means ZERO ERP. Any instances of that content will result in a permanent ban, we do have some content in our rps which some people find disturbing, so be aware

our server isn't really that active, so if you like small servers and don't like to get swarmed by a message every 1 second, consider joining this one! We may be dead at times but that's just the process. Hope to see you soon, agent.