Balkan secret Discord Server

Balkan secret

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4m atrás

Hello everyone!👋
- Napravio sam ovaj server tako da se sviđa svima. Mogli bismo imati siguran prostor da budemo ono što jesmo. Skupio sam hrpu različitih ljudi, te nadam se da će te naći prijatelja.
- Uz to imamo puno giveaway-a, a jedan od najboljih je da smo partneri sa Instant gaming-om te možete osvojiti bilo koju igru koju vi hoćete potpuno besplatno!💰🎁
- Pripremio sam još neke stvari i najvažnija je da uskoro kreće SECRET KVIZ, ali to vas čeka tek na ulasku u server.
Vidimo se, uživajte!🎉❤️
Hello everyone!👋
- I made this server so that everyone likes it. We could have a safe space to be who we are. I gathered a bunch of different people, and I hope they will find you a friend.
- In addition, we have a lot of giveaways, and one of the best is that we are partners with Instant gaming, so you can win any game you want for free!💰🎁
- I have prepared some other things and the most important is that the SECRET QUIZ will start soon, but that awaits you only when you enter the server.
See you, enjoy!🎉❤️