Hello and welcome we hope you engoy your stay and make new friends and more and play games and much more and exspekt upcoming servers for games
Welcome to Wolf's Den 2.0, the sequel to Wolf’s Den.
In this server you will find:
• An LGBTQ+ friendly family
• A variety of indie animation channels
• Fun bots to entertain yourself with (Poketwo, telephone and more!)
• Lots of memes and jokes
• A huge amount of nsfw content with variable kinks to enjoy
• An active community with helpful mods
We hope to see you around!
Join WPA for fun in the wild west! Whether you're looking for a crack team of Trader delivery experts or just some goofy folks to have some laughs with while grinding, WPA is the place to be. We are a diverse, friendly, welcoming community with members all over the globe. So ride on over today and say howdy. PlayStation account required!
Legend tells of a pack that lived in peace and harmony for countless years. Traditions and strict values ensured the peace and stability of the pack for all this time, until the death of Lenape's leader, triggering the start of a bloodthirsty war. The wolf responsible for the discourse is named Adar, eldest son of the deceased leader, while the pack trying to pick up the pieces is led by Storm, his younger brother.
Join the Lenape or join Adar. The choice i
The Wolf Pack
- 👮⯌Kind and Active staff members
- 🎁⯎Giveaways
- 🌐⯌Connected to 40+ server via server networks
- 🤖⯎A lot of fun bots to play with!
- 🎨⯌An art corner to show off your skills and even advertise your commissions!
**What we need**
- 💎⯎Boosters
- 🚔⯌Kind people to join the staff team
- 👥⯎New members to be active
- 🫵⯌YOU!
Join The Wolf Pack today!
Hello there!
Welcome to paleontology club This is a place where you can share your interests with fossil collecting, Gaming, and some other hobbies on the side as well! come join us
In Teen Wolf: The Next Level, you can roleplay in the Teen Wolf World as OCs or canon characters! It’s safe for members of the LGBTQ+ community and has many channels to use!
Server Details:
> No canon characters are dead. (Only Gerard Argent)
> This server takes place in the present (2024)
> There is an Audience role for members who are not roleplaying and a promo channel and hashtag for those who post cosplays.
Asks Memb
Du möchtest ein Teil des Rudels werden?
Dann Trau dich in die Wolfshöhle zukommen 🐺 ♥️
Die Wolfshöhle ist ein Sfw und Nsfw deutsche furry Community Gruppe . 🔞 Unsere Mitglieder müssen das 18 Lebensjahr erreicht haben 🔞
- Reaktionen rollen
- LGBTQ freundliche
- freundliches Server Personal 🦊
Fun Mafia/Werewolf social deduction games and hangout server. Chats for all kinds of topics, tons of emojis, friendly faces and games.
Mafia (aka Werewolf) is a social deduction game based on a conflict between 2 groups; the uninformed majority v an informed majority. Similar to Town of Salem.
◥▛▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▜ 🐺 ▛▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▜◤
> - Bien des siècles avant notre ère, Léto, divinité issue d'un inceste de titans épousa Zeus, dieu de la foudre. le jeune couple tombant éperdument amoureux l'un de l'autre, Léto allait offrir des jumeaux au dieu du tonnerre, mais malheureusement, celle-ci n'eu le temps de les présenter à leur père, victime d'une mutinerie monter par Héra. Cette derniè
Hey there! Looking for a roleplay server? Let me introduce you to Stormclaw Sanctuary, a fantasy wolf RP.
Brand new server
Create your own stories
Start your own pack
Meet and connect with others
Survive the wilds
Build your own lore
We hope to see you soon! ❤️
"Culture never divided us, but united us".
"These words are etched in stone, despite the ruin surrounding us. Let's recount the tale of the Tajari tribes... Legend has it that our roots stem from Mother Earth herself, with each animal serving a purpose. Once, wolves lived harmoniously with other animals, until they were rejected time and again. Fleeing, they found solace in the Tajari Forest, where they established a new home. However, internal conflicts arose, leading to war and eventu
🌕 The Haunted Wolves Den 21+ 🌕
~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~
~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~
🐺~ 21+
🐺~ Wolf Themed Server
🐺~ SFW Server
🐺~ VCs/Active/Accepting/Welcoming
🐺~ Economy/Level System/Questions
🐺~ Hobbies/Gaming/Music/Art
🐺~ Bots/Counting/Gartic/Hangry Games
🐺~ Stoner Friendly/Smoke Sessions
~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~ ——— ~
Mendeku - A semi realistic, literate wolf RP with focus on plotting, character development, and having good old fashioned fun!
Lunar Creek and Silent Oak have had countless conflicts- until another pack, Silver Ash, came in and broke through the ice. Being new to these lands, Silver Ash had to decide who to ally with. When the pack made the tough decision of allying with Silent Oak, the chaos sprouting between the three packs only got worse. Lunar Creek, previously a peaceful pack, has be
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. Feral Realms .* :☆゚. ───
This server is a semi realistic take on the wilds of 1890s northern midwestern area of the United States. While outlaws, travelers, and homesteaders are increasingly encroaching deeper into the wilderness and its surrounding areas, you, as an untamed beast of the wilds, must learn to fight back and defend your species' way of life. Along with the threat of humans, wolves and mountain lions have been waging war against one another for ages. Join us, t
Beacon Hills RolePlay #teenwolf
• Tecrübeli bir yetkili kadromuz var !
• Adaletli ve Saygılı bir sunucu !
• Sunucumuzda Samimi Sohbet Ortamı Ve İlgili Yetkililer Bulunmaktadır !
• Sizleri Yormayacak Şekilde Gelişme Sistemi !
• Bir Çok Arkadaş Edine Bileceğiniz Harika Bir Sunucu !
• Her gün aktif RolePlay yapan sunucu üyelerinden olmak istersen senide sunucumuzda görmek isteriz !
Welcome to the wolf packs!!!
We are a small family of stream support we will help you get affiliate on twitch and more.We do giveaways every two week, gift cards for xbox and Playstation !! https://discord.gg/rGCbUmK
There are 5 bots - remove them from the user count.
-- Wolf SMP --
Season 4 - started 26.01.2024
Room for 3 more members. (27/30)
Last checked as up-to-date: 26.08.2024
An SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft (although it is long its own thing). 30 people max playing on the same season.
Hello, this server is to hangout, play games or etc. there is multiple games you guys can play or listen to music and hangout! Meet new people! This server is also a Memorial server which will bring list family members, officers, young kids, and adults that passed. There is a section anyone can post and post pictures and etc. Come join to show your awareness to others!
We offer a lot and we also have a section for advertising your servers! If you decide to do so.
𝒉𝒆𝗹𝗹𝞂! 𝞈𝒆 𝝰𝗿𝒆 𝙩𝒉𝒆 𝙗𝖏𝒈 𝞈𝞂𝗹𝞶𝒆𝙨!
𝖏𝛈 𝙩𝒉𝒆 𝙗𝖏𝒈 𝞈𝞂𝗹𝞶𝒆𝙨 𝞈𝒆 𝙨𝒉𝝰𝗿𝒆 𝞂𝛍𝗿 𝒆𝞶𝒆𝛈𝙩𝙨 𝝰𝛈𝟃 𝙨𝒆𝗿𝖏𝞂𝛍𝙨 𝖏𝛈𝗳𝞂𝗿𝒎𝝰𝙩𝖏𝞂𝛈 𝙩𝒉𝝰𝙩 𝛄𝞂𝛍 𝛈𝒆𝒆𝟃 𝙩𝞂 𝗞𝛈𝞂𝞈!𝞈𝒆 𝝰𝗹𝙨𝞂 𝙩𝝰𝗹𝗞 𝝰𝙗𝞂𝛍𝙩 𝒎𝛍𝗹𝙩𝖏-𝗳𝝰𝛈𝟃𝞂𝒎𝙨 𝝰𝛈𝟃 𝙨𝒉𝝰𝗿𝒆 𝞂𝛍𝗿 𝝰𝗿𝙩 𝖏𝛈 𝒉𝒆𝗿𝒆.. 𝒑𝗹𝛍𝙨 𝙩𝒉𝒆 𝙨𝙩𝝰𝗳𝗳 𝝰𝗿𝒆 𝗳𝗿𝒆𝒆!
(𝖏𝗹𝗹 𝒈𝖏𝞶𝒆 𝛍 𝝰 𝞈𝝰𝗿𝛈𝖏𝛈𝒈, 𝙩𝒉𝖏𝙨 𝙨𝒆𝗿𝞶𝒆𝗿 𝖏𝙨 𝝰 𝙗𝖏𝙩 𝙨𝒆𝒎𝖏-𝙩𝞂𝛘𝖏𝐜.) 𝖏𝗳 𝛍 𝝰𝗹𝙨𝞂 𝒉𝝰𝞶𝒆 𝝰𝛈𝛄 𝒑𝗿𝞂𝙗𝗹𝒆𝒎𝙨 𝗿𝒆𝒑𝞂𝗿𝙩 𝙩𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝙩𝞂 𝙩𝒉𝒆 𝙨𝙩𝝰𝗳𝗳!