Orthodoxy Discordサーバー

Orthodoxy に関するディスコードサーバーのページ 1 を表示中

Oriental Orthodoxy Discord Server
Oriental Orthodoxy

Welcome to Oriental Orthodoxy Christian community! Join us as we share the rich traditions, theology, and spirituality of the ancient Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Eritrean churches.

What we offer:
- Orthodox Theology & Faith Discussions
- Prayer & Spiritual Guidance
- Friendly Community
- Q&A with Knowledgeable Members
- Liturgical & Cultural Exchange

Come join us in fellowship as w

Orthodoxy United ☦ Discord Server
Orthodoxy United ☦

Orthodoxy United is an Orthodox Christian server.
We welcome any Orthodox Christian, and every non-Orthodox Christian to the server.
We provide several categories, filled with channels of different topics you may be interested in.

ORTHOCORD ☦ Discord Server

Discover the ultimate Orthodox Christian Discord server with content like chants, icons, doctrine, and entertainment channels.

We have an incredible Orthodox AI Bot that can answer anything, anytime.

Our top-notch moderation, both automated and human, ensures a safe and appropriate environment.

St. Katherine's Lighthouse Discord Server
St. Katherine's Lighthouse

This is a pan-Orthodox Christian community with members from all parts of the globe and all walks of life from Europe to Asia to America, and we welcome both Orthodox Christians in search of online fellowship as well as inquirers!