Drifting into headspace is a server I made with the help of some friends! This server has many channels that are unique and the people in this server are caring in fun. The rules set in this server keep it a nice and safe server.
Drifting into headspace is a server I made with the help of some friends! This server has many channels that are unique and the people in this server are caring in fun. The rules set in this server keep it a nice and safe server.
Добре дошли в страхотния свят на Drift-Power Bulgaria, посветен на ролева игра и дрифт! Ние сме във възторженост, че сте се присъединили към нашата общност, където възможностите за уникални ролеви и вълнуващи дрифт приключения са неограничени.
Започнете своята ролева история в този разнообразен свят, където лични истории се преплитат с епични събития. Или се отдайте на адреналиновото изживяване на дрифт, където уменията и стилът ви ще създадат истинско шоу
Welcome to Furries Adrift! We're a furry server that's been around in some capacity for 7 years with a very active community of a few hundred people. We're completely SFW (13+), and we have plenty of channels for artists, LGBTQ+, cosplayers and fursuiters, and more! We allow members to host server/community events regularly, we have dozens of voice chats (as well as user-created private voice chats), an active general chat, and plenty of other QOL features that em
We offer a drifting experience like no other! Ever wanted to use a steering wheel to drive around Los Santos? Well with a few clicks and a little bit of typing we can provide you access to a FiveM drifting server like no other!
With Over 190 Cars, an active community and FiveM Support we are able to bring you the best drifting experience found within the game, Running Fun Events with Claimable rewards such as Discord Nitro and MadVIP we can guarantee you will enjoy your time here on our s
Yo check it, it’s the year 2003 in Japan, the racing scene is pretty hot right now, there’s 2-3 pretty smokin forms of racing goin on, you got your Japanese Special aka **Touge Racing, you’re drifting on mountains and stuff**, you got **highway races with high stakes and other cars**, and your third, plain old **drag races**, What’re you running? You gonna get into trouble and fights over a little race? There’s many teams and home courses with their specialty’s, question is who’s gonna be the be