Star Wars: The Clone Wars Origins (RP) Discord Server

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Origins (RP)

4m 前

A long lasting Clone Wars Server created for those who are looking for a new, fresh, and creative Clone Wars experience free from drama and biased server management. New Role-players are always welcome, SERIOUS role-players are well respected, and with knowledge both can always be improved with the help of others.

a few months after the battle of Geonosis the war continues to rage on across the galaxy. As the battle between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance continues with no cease in sight these are the heroic stories of several Jedi, Sith, Senators, and Important Galactic Factions that made their mark on their pursuit to help end the war and once again bring peace or ultimate ending power to the galaxy!

(Please note most of these are original stories and original characters however you are offered the option to play a known Star Wars character within the clone wars era. Canon is ALSO a thing.)

•We Pride Ourselves on not being 5/5 by not bolstering our reviews because there is always room to improve and grow when you listen to your members & community. •

•First & Foremost we are a non-bullshit server~
If you are here to troll or play off nonsense you will be held accountable and dealt with accordingly. 😉

•18+ Server for occasional ERPS and WAR REASONING~


•Military Family Friendly

•Active & Retired Military Members

•Come be a part of a server where you will always feel like family rather than a number!

•Staff who hold members accountable. We are a Community run server with a friendly unbiased staff willing to help with character creations.

•Original creations are encouraged and loved! (Bring your imagination to life, the Star Wars universe is so vast there is plenty of creation to do.)

•Character Driven RP (PTK Enabled/Disabled) YOU CHOOSE.

- Paragraph Literate Writing Style

- Alien OCs encouraged

- Higher Ranks Limited to Auditions

- An Open World for RP (New Channels Added Upon Request)

-Always looking For Mature members who enjoy the craft of RP

-Dedicated Staff Team Selected From Experienced Server Members





•New IDEAS Always Welcome

•OC Characters always WANTED

•Canon Characters available (Some unavailable CANONS are available)

•Roleplay to your hearts desire

•RP iconic scenes created through the CW ERA

•Star Wars Enthusiasts Welcome

•Come live your favorite Clone Wars experiences


• All RP Styles Welcome: Para Semi-Lit/Full-Lit Writing Style and beyond

•Alien / Unique OCs encouraged!

•An infinite open world for RP with endless possibilities

•Only SFW content in public channels

•NSFW available in private channels or Dms