✖ VEE'S WORLD 🔋. Discord Server


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WELCOME TO VEE'S WORLD! :Veeadvertisement:

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Tuning in now!

In the new age of television, flowers get a little boring.. So we chose a new host! Uh.. Willingly of course!

Meet Vee! Televisions newest hit sensation! In the form of uh.. What's this.. A kid's show..? Alright then.. Suit yourself!

📷 Welcome to Vee's world, A Dandy's World au rp staring everyone's favorite gameshow host, Vee!
Everyone's watching you! Will you become the next star if the show? Guess we'll have to find out.. Long line ahead of you so you better jump in quick!
Vee's watching and she's not the kind for slip ups! Always watching.. 📸

"Welp! That's our time for today! Make sure to tune in next time for a special guest appearance!"
