Gem Empire: A Steven Universe RP Hub Discord Server

Gem Empire: A Steven Universe RP Hub

5m 前

In Gem Empire, the space-time continuum has been reset by the creator of the Gem rulers, the Diamonds, so that the Empire is back in full swing. Four Diamonds are in control of the Homeworld forces opposing the small Earth rebellion for Gem freedom. Recently, the Diamonds blasted the Earth and corrupted many Crystal Gems and Homeworld Gems caught in the crossfire into mindless beasts, some of which have been restored to more powerful mutant forms…


You will be able to roleplay as any type of Gem that you can think of or remember from the show, except for a few limited races, like a restored corrupted Gem or Garnet general, etc., until you have become a trusted member. You will be able to function as just a roleplayer or mainly in combat!

Combat will be handled by one stat alone: a simple, quantifiable, power level stat that shows strength proportionally to others numerically :D… It’s actually really great for roleplay and story-building.

All progress will be made with roleplay! Any boosts to your Power Level, PL, will be made with training posts. Posts of certain required lengths and types will give you multiplying boosts to your PL, which will unlock the ability to train for new forms and techniques!

You will be able to FULLY customize your character, techniques, and power-ups (forms). You will also be able to submit forms, techniques, and new Gem races for approval that anyone else can use! (If the 20+ starting types aren’t enough.)

This is a community of roleplayers enjoying the idea of the Gem people and writing a new story with them from the very beginning… the war, but in the modern day!

ANYONE! Even if you have not seen Steven Universe! Customize your magical light adventure TODAY!!!

THIS JUST IN: ALL-NEW STORY on a new world with a completely original group of rebel Gems. Join today!