Hypostasis of the Archons Discord Server

Hypostasis of the Archons


Mankind has always plied the seas of this world, be it in search of new lands, or of exploration and just curiosity of what's out there in the world! Great beasts and mysterious things lurk within the in-between spaces of this world even in this age of iron and steel! Truly what wonders this world has for us. No surprise then that water covers roughly 92% of the surface of this world, that's an awful lot of sea to sail! Alas here you come. Bright faced soldiers ready to serve your nations, or well... the collective alliances at this point...

About a century ago, a great pillar of light shone over our heads, seen the world over it landed in what was once the Yanyar isles, where we used to find the greatest of sea beasts. But as that light faded something truly terrible rose from those viridescent waters. Something monstrous. The very ships we once sailed upon. Our faithful vehicle of travel across these waters became merged with those sea beasts creating what we call, The Corruption. These beasts wrought fire and destruction upon us, and we responded in kind. We went from sails to screws in perhaps an attempt to outdo them. But they simply evolved. Took on forms of more and more modern vessels. We in turn were pushed harder to do better. Our ships became more sleek, we mastered the ballistics and perhaps... dabbled in the taboo... But that can be explained later. You're here to fight the biggest, meanest monsters around right? Well then read on! Grab your rifle, light those boilers, throw throttles to full and let's fight to earn our seas back!