Megapolis City,, server icon

Megapolis City,,


❀° ┄───╮
Wàngxiǎng stared down at the ancient artifact. After so long she finally found it. A manaical laugh leaving her as she gazed down at the artifact. This was it. Once she did this, things will change.

She closed her eyes, chanting a spell. "哦,听我说,治愈并带回一个已经离开的人。我将一颗心献给你,请你把骨魔女士带回来" She chanted, a blue light glowing from the artifact. As a familiar person can be seen being brought back to the land of the living.

Black hair cascading down her back, as she gasped. The shock of being alive enveloping her. What was she doing here? She felt her now clean and pristine outfit getting tugged on. Looking at the person who caused this.

"Who- Who are you!?" She asked the other. Her eyes wide.

"Oh, don't worry Lady Bone Demon. Just know I'm the one who gave you a second chance to accomplish your goal." Wàngxiǎng spoke, her voice silky like poison as she looked down at LBD. No words were shared, but LBD knew she was under Wàngxiǎng's debt.

"Now I'm not asking for much. I'm just asking that you fufill you're original plan, though now. You'll know what to do, what to be wary of and you'll have help. You still have your power do you not?" Wàngxiǎng asked, though she knew the answer. Though getting LBD to agree was the plan.

LBD stared at Wàngxiǎng in shock, at one side. She wanted to decline. But she knew that this was better then death, she was given another chance at life for a reason. So she nodded. A grin also forming on her face.

"So.. This is what destiny wants from me? I'll gladly make that happen." LBD agreed. Feeling Wàngxiǎng let go of her, as she stared at LBD. Her gaze was unnerving as she began walking away, LBD following along.

So this is what was coming for the world.
translation: "Oh hear me, to heal and bring back one who was gone. I give you the offering of a heart and ask you bring me back The Lady Bone Demon. "
(more can be explained in the server,,) we're still an active server btw
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