League of Heroes 🕸18+ Discord Server

League of Heroes 🕸18+


➤ To get access you must state your favorite Marvel or Dc quote ◄

A universe can only reset itself without consequences so many times, and this time, Barry Allen realized things may have upset the balance one too many times. In a desperate attempt to fix the mistakes, a deal was struck and the timeline repaired itself as much as it could--but at a cost.

For the balance to remain, two universes collided, bringing together heroes of two different Earths for the first time. Earth Prime (DC) and Earth-616 (Marvel) have become one, and now the world must learn how to move forward with its new heroes, villains, and rules.

Everyone has relationships. They form and break depending on what choices said characters make. It is up to you to decide the fate of your character and those around them. Alignments can change as well as people, what will happen?

Your character can also be based on shows, movies, comics, or all sources! :)

We offer:

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↳ ➤ In Character Group chats ◄
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↳ ➤ Fun QOTD's/HOTD's ◄
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↳ ➤ Organized Server◄
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↳ ➤ Unique Timeline◄
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↳ ➤ Kind and Helpful Staff◄
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↳ ➤ Different, Fun Events◄
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↳ ➤ Inclusive Roleplay◄
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↳ ➤ LGBTQ+ Inclusive/Friendly◄
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↳ ➤ Game/Movie Nights◄

Hope to see you there! <3